Friday, November 16, 2012

Sen. Stiles honored for fighting youth obesity |

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November 16, 2012 2:00 AM

HAMPTON ? Citing her inspirational leadership and fearless advocacy to make New Hampshire a healthier place for its children, the Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation recently honored Sen. Nancy Stiles, R-Hampton, for her work in combating childhood obesity.

Stiles received her award Nov. 8 during the foundation's annual meeting held at the Museum of Science in Boston.

"I am excited and honored to be the first person from New Hampshire to be given this public service award from Harvard Pilgrim," Stiles said. "The foundation's 'Growing up Healthy' program is very well-respected across the country, and I so appreciate its emphasis on ending childhood obesity. As a former school nutrition director and now as a legislator, I care deeply about children's health. I understand the important role public policy and health care companies like Harvard Pilgrim play in helping parents make good decisions concerning what their children eat and how often they exercise. We know healthy choices early on will follow them all their lives."

Stiles is headed into her second term as the state Senator from District 24, having just won re-election on Nov. 6.

Prior to her legislative career, Stiles held the position of school nutrition director for the Hampton School District for 30 years before retiring in 2004.

Her legislative accomplishments include being the prime sponsor of the New Hampshire School Breakfast/School Wellness bill and the Public Policy and Legislative chairwoman for the New Hampshire School Food Service Association, as well as the first nationally-elected Public Policy and Legislative Chairwoman for the School Nutrition Association.

Stiles was also selected as Legislator of the Year in 2010 by the Governor's Council of Physical Fitness and serves as a member of the Board of Directors of the New Hampshire Healthy Schools Coalition.

Harvard Pilgrim is a not-for-profit health plan created in 1980 that provides a variety of insurance plan options and self-funding arrangements to more than one million members in Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Maine. The company has consistently been rated among the top plans in the country.

The Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation provides tools, training and leadership to help build healthy communities by supporting programs that address childhood obesity and improve the health of communities impacted by health disparities. Launched in 2007, "Growing Up Healthy" is the Foundation's leadership and funding initiative whose goal is to reduce childhood obesity in Mass., New Hampshire and Maine.

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